Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Blogging Not Packing...

I thought packing a bag a week ago would help get a move on and have a relaxing last night at home, but life begs to differ.  I've got four half packed bags, a crazy messy room, and tons of things pending UPS shipment.  This is not going to happen.

Eh, all the same, this normally happens, but with more stuff not done yet.  I've probably sat through Finding Nemo (or as same calls it "Elmo fish") 11 times, watched countless ABC drama hit series, and yelled at Sam to stop taking things out of our luggage a million times in the last couple weeks... probs why nothing is done yet.

Jarod seems to think that I'm more emotional that I like to put out and not packing = my way of dealing with it.  Yes, Jarod told me I have repressed feelings.  Whatevs.

I'll tell you something, I will be missing this:

Trash Day in the Neighborhood, but what I'm trying to say is, I'm going to miss Fall.

This time tomorrow, we'll be flying into Texas!  Well, that's if my children don't terrorize the entire plane (which hopefully will be empty on this fine Thursday Afternoon)

Updates in Texas when I get there!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Oh hi, Haters!

Soo... thought about not addressing it, being the bigger person, but whatev's.  Let's just say I'm not.

About 2 months after writing my last post, I get some e-mail notifications with some pretty heavy comments on my blog.  What.the.heck.  Seriously guys?  Honestly, I have no idea who's writing these crazy things, but if you're taking me seriously, you 1. Obvi don't know me 2. Never read my blog Unexpected Mommy 3. Don't read very well into sarcasm.  Thought I'd stop writing, but then I actually thought about it.

Here's the disclaimer for my writing, as I've said before:  My grammar is off, I don't proof read, and half of what I write is supposed to make you laugh, not take seriously.

Hate writers: You just gave me celeb status.  Hate what you said, Love that you hate me.  I'm taking it in stride.  Probs shouldn't write everything that comes to mind, but you know what?  Most people enjoy it.  So, I'm going to keep writing and not take the higher road.

If you misunderstand my blog for the complete truth, let me clue you into a few things.  I exaggerate like it's my job.  I've noticed in real life, this causes some confusion for a lot of people, but I also clarify in real life.  I love my boys for everything they do.  I JOKE about their habits and everything they're learning to do.  Parents do it all the time.   I live at home in the summer, like A LOT of hockey families do because we haven't put our roots down.  We literally can't, because we don't know where we will be playing or if we'll be playing the next year. Those hockey families that do have homes in the summer are the lucky ones that have it figured out (we're still trying) My family is fantastic for putting up with us.

J and I run into problems and misunderstandings, our kids do weird things, our families are crazy.  I exaggerate those details to make you laugh.  I pretend to know everything, but really know diddly.

If you still don't get it, I'm sorry, and you should stop reading this blog.  I'm not sure how you found this in the first place, but you should really find someone else to hate, because all you do it make me laugh.

As 3LW would say: Haters they gonna hate

Also, I'm moderating now. Have fun guyssss.
'Til Next Time...