Monday, June 25, 2012

One year, two kids, and five moves later....

Happy Anniversary to Us!  They say the first year's the hardest, but it kinda felt like a breeze.  I suppose actually being able to be together as a family for the first time felt more like a relief than a burden and we really cherished every moment we had together as a family.   

Per usual, Jarod planned a last minute weekend getaway for us to explore Cincinnati.  Two years ago, coincidentally, when I was pregnant with Sam, we explored bits of Minneapolis and had a great time.  I've been a good deal more time in Cincy than Jarod has in Minny, but really only going to the places my sis has taken me.  
Beautiful Cincinnati Skyline

Let's pause for a second and reflect... not to sound ungrateful, but how/why is it that whenever we "have the time" to do something fun like this, I have to be pregnant? I just happen to be clomping around the city like Godzilla, in the heat of summer, with a big sweaty smile on my face.  Fantastic picture let me tell you.  It must be some plot by Jarod to make me a cheap date. hahah Check me out at the reds game:
Hot, sweaty, and happy after my 11 dollar Slurpy

Basically, we got to be ballers in a snazzy room at the Hilton in Netherlands Plaza for two days aaand what did we do? I'll sum it up for you: The Melting Pot, Taste of Belgium, Boi Na Braza, aaand Gin Rummy.  One thing I've learned since becoming a mommy is that there's no better time to do nothing than the time you spend away from your child, it's fabulous. 

Outside the Famous Orchid Restaurant at the Hilton

Question: How short/tight is too short/tight for a Prego?

At Boi Na Braza.  Can we say, Food Baby?

What a nice treat. (Also our third dessert of the night)
The Historic Hilton at Netherlands Plaza

I know that I'm part of that lucky group of people who have found the right person to spend the rest of their lives with.  As crazy as our life is, we are happy, we love each other, and I don't get that sick of the guy.  As sappy as it sounds, I'm so happy I'm with the love of my life.

               Til next time!

Hiii Jason Beck!

1 comment:

  1. I don't appreciate my name being on the interwebs.
