Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Blogging Not Packing...

I thought packing a bag a week ago would help get a move on and have a relaxing last night at home, but life begs to differ.  I've got four half packed bags, a crazy messy room, and tons of things pending UPS shipment.  This is not going to happen.

Eh, all the same, this normally happens, but with more stuff not done yet.  I've probably sat through Finding Nemo (or as same calls it "Elmo fish") 11 times, watched countless ABC drama hit series, and yelled at Sam to stop taking things out of our luggage a million times in the last couple weeks... probs why nothing is done yet.

Jarod seems to think that I'm more emotional that I like to put out and not packing = my way of dealing with it.  Yes, Jarod told me I have repressed feelings.  Whatevs.

I'll tell you something, I will be missing this:

Trash Day in the Neighborhood, but what I'm trying to say is, I'm going to miss Fall.

This time tomorrow, we'll be flying into Texas!  Well, that's if my children don't terrorize the entire plane (which hopefully will be empty on this fine Thursday Afternoon)

Updates in Texas when I get there!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Oh hi, Haters!

Soo... thought about not addressing it, being the bigger person, but whatev's.  Let's just say I'm not.

About 2 months after writing my last post, I get some e-mail notifications with some pretty heavy comments on my blog.  What.the.heck.  Seriously guys?  Honestly, I have no idea who's writing these crazy things, but if you're taking me seriously, you 1. Obvi don't know me 2. Never read my blog Unexpected Mommy 3. Don't read very well into sarcasm.  Thought I'd stop writing, but then I actually thought about it.

Here's the disclaimer for my writing, as I've said before:  My grammar is off, I don't proof read, and half of what I write is supposed to make you laugh, not take seriously.

Hate writers: You just gave me celeb status.  Hate what you said, Love that you hate me.  I'm taking it in stride.  Probs shouldn't write everything that comes to mind, but you know what?  Most people enjoy it.  So, I'm going to keep writing and not take the higher road.

If you misunderstand my blog for the complete truth, let me clue you into a few things.  I exaggerate like it's my job.  I've noticed in real life, this causes some confusion for a lot of people, but I also clarify in real life.  I love my boys for everything they do.  I JOKE about their habits and everything they're learning to do.  Parents do it all the time.   I live at home in the summer, like A LOT of hockey families do because we haven't put our roots down.  We literally can't, because we don't know where we will be playing or if we'll be playing the next year. Those hockey families that do have homes in the summer are the lucky ones that have it figured out (we're still trying) My family is fantastic for putting up with us.

J and I run into problems and misunderstandings, our kids do weird things, our families are crazy.  I exaggerate those details to make you laugh.  I pretend to know everything, but really know diddly.

If you still don't get it, I'm sorry, and you should stop reading this blog.  I'm not sure how you found this in the first place, but you should really find someone else to hate, because all you do it make me laugh.

As 3LW would say: Haters they gonna hate

Also, I'm moderating now. Have fun guyssss.
'Til Next Time...

Friday, July 6, 2012

Cutting the Cord

"I've gotta get out of my parent's house"

We all say it at some point... we all mean it at some point...

But how many people do you know, got out, got married, went really far away, then came back again?

I don't have the statistics on it, but I'm one of those people.

About seven months ago, I had what I like to call, Pregnancy Brain.  Pregnancy Brain happens, obviously, when you're pregnant, and have no control or idea over your decision making process because of:1. Dehydration 2. Lack of Sleep 3. Achiness 4. That little fetus taking over your body.  It pops up throughout pregnancy, and you're to be forgiven when you say or do things you wouldn't normally do.  Jarod and I have decided I get 3 "freebies" a day due to Pregnancy Brain.


In my first month of pregnancy, I was dying.  Literally.  I lost 10 pounds, couldn't get up, was ready for the priest to come to give me my last rites. As Jarod would say, I was being a wimp.  My parents took this as their golden opportunity to weasel their way in and take advantage of me:
"Come home, and we can help with Sam and take care of you."

I was sold.  Cut to present day. Total regret.  Two things happened in less than a month.

A week ago, Sammy comes down with a high fever.  Uncomfortable, but otherwise, nbd for the babe, because he's running around and playing like nothing is going on.  On top of that, he's got swollen gums, aka teething.  I give him his medication, monitor him, and decide I'm going to wait a few days before going to the doctor to see if it goes down itself (it did).  Chau Pham goes nuts.  It's child abuse, Sammy is becoming delusional because he's still playing but he's sick.  We should probably go to the emergency room, I'm a bad mother, I don't know what I'm doing.  (This all came out in the same breath) Alright, well, Sammy is fine.  Brain is intact, he's alive in well.  Stay out of it, Father.

Yesterday, my dad tries to pull a Rumplestiltskin.  Yes, I'm calling it the Rumplestiltskin.  He's almost certain I won't be able to handle two children, especially boys (OK, he might be correct in this assumption, but it would be nice to be given the benefit of the doubt).  So he wants to take BBF, and raise him for me... (Insert Vi Face here) and once he grows up, "The Dragon" (because he is nameless right now) will be a perfect gentleman.  

Let's pull up Chau Pham's track record: My brother.... Sam.... This would not be possible for Mr. Pham to do.  I call his bluff and say he wants to relive the good ole days of his youth.  Not gonna happen, father.  I love my unborn fetus too much.

While keeping in mind that I'm exaggerating, this offer truly was given to me, which I ungratefully turned down.  But the moral of this story is, don't move back with your parents when you're married and have kids, even if it is just for the summer.  Obvi it was my choice, and Jarod went along with it.  They're the best parents ever, and I couldn't do a lot without them.  But they start to get crazy ideas.

Ba Ba and his Sammy

Shout out to my brother from another mother, JB.

Monday, June 25, 2012

One year, two kids, and five moves later....

Happy Anniversary to Us!  They say the first year's the hardest, but it kinda felt like a breeze.  I suppose actually being able to be together as a family for the first time felt more like a relief than a burden and we really cherished every moment we had together as a family.   

Per usual, Jarod planned a last minute weekend getaway for us to explore Cincinnati.  Two years ago, coincidentally, when I was pregnant with Sam, we explored bits of Minneapolis and had a great time.  I've been a good deal more time in Cincy than Jarod has in Minny, but really only going to the places my sis has taken me.  
Beautiful Cincinnati Skyline

Let's pause for a second and reflect... not to sound ungrateful, but how/why is it that whenever we "have the time" to do something fun like this, I have to be pregnant? I just happen to be clomping around the city like Godzilla, in the heat of summer, with a big sweaty smile on my face.  Fantastic picture let me tell you.  It must be some plot by Jarod to make me a cheap date. hahah Check me out at the reds game:
Hot, sweaty, and happy after my 11 dollar Slurpy

Basically, we got to be ballers in a snazzy room at the Hilton in Netherlands Plaza for two days aaand what did we do? I'll sum it up for you: The Melting Pot, Taste of Belgium, Boi Na Braza, aaand Gin Rummy.  One thing I've learned since becoming a mommy is that there's no better time to do nothing than the time you spend away from your child, it's fabulous. 

Outside the Famous Orchid Restaurant at the Hilton

Question: How short/tight is too short/tight for a Prego?

At Boi Na Braza.  Can we say, Food Baby?

What a nice treat. (Also our third dessert of the night)
The Historic Hilton at Netherlands Plaza

I know that I'm part of that lucky group of people who have found the right person to spend the rest of their lives with.  As crazy as our life is, we are happy, we love each other, and I don't get that sick of the guy.  As sappy as it sounds, I'm so happy I'm with the love of my life.

               Til next time!

Hiii Jason Beck!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Guess What?

We're pregnant! ...for the past 6 months. hahaha. I did it with Sam, and I'll probably do it with every fetus. I'm not telling until I'm ready to pop. Things have been pretty crazy the last few months, but I've mostly only written one post here, because I'm tired and lazy.  I'm sorry.  Prego Vi is like that.  Apologies.

Did I mention we're having a boy?

I believe I blocked out a lot of the insane feelings/sickness/hate for pregnancy after I had Sam, because I swear I really did love pregnancy, but boy do I hate it this time around.  This baby fetus is out to kill me.

1. I was sick for two months and had to fly to my parents so they could take care of me (and I needed someone to cut my mangos.)
2. Baby Boy Fetus (hereafter known as BBF) is tearing my pelvis in half and for awhile, I couldn't sit, stand, lay down, walk, etc.
3. BBF won't leave me alone. Sammy was a quiet fetus that only moved when provoked.  This guy is crazy.
4. I crave nothing, and have a hard time remembering to eat.  BBF wants me to starve to death.

Let me take some time to answer some questions that I never want to be asked again: (Yes, these were really asked to me)

1. You may not see my belly.
2. You may not poke my belly, and no, I will not poke my belly for you to see if it's hard or jelly-like
3. We do not have a name.
4. I don't know how many weeks pregnant I am.
5. I'm not sure why I'm so small, probably because I don't eat.
6. I go to the bathroom just fine.
7. Yes, I know we're bad at planning.

While obviously, I'm a negative Nancy right now, we're so excited for our second addition.  Life isn't getting any easier for us, but Sammy really could use the playmate  and I'm glad it'll be a boy.  He's been really into girl's tap shoes and combing his hair, so having a little more testosterone in his life wouldn't hurt. Aaand as my BFF Britt would suggest, this will make Sammy less of a weirdo.

Til next time~

Sammy enjoying some chocos

P.O'd he coudln't get into the water

Daddy, Sammy, and Cow

Family Love.

Mommy and Sam

Enjoy our new family photos :)